Activities Diagram
Activities Diagram
Mood Board
Mood Board
In this space, interaction comes in two forms: sense of smell and sense of touch. Sense of smell is focused in the pods which create separated zones to fully immerse oneself in each scent. Sense of touch is provided in the hands-on zone where customers can dip and mold candles.
Bubble Diagram
Bubble Diagram
Movement Inspiration
Movement Inspiration
Movement Diagram
Movement Diagram
Thinking about the layout, the space maximizes natural light and street views by alternating pods and windows along the exterior and keeping offices and storage along the preexisting building. The movement of the space is inspired by a blooming flower. Movement radiates from the center much like petals do from the pistil. 
Floor Plan
Floor Plan
Reflected Ceiling Plan
Reflected Ceiling Plan
Here is the final floor plan. Lighting in the store is primarily used to draw attention to specific spaces. This includes the pods showing off products, the touch zone promoting interaction, and the point of sale.
Main Entrance
Main Entrance
Street View
Street View
Pods peeking out through the walls creates a distinct and eye-catching exterior to draw customers into the space.
Daylight Interior
Daylight Interior
Point of Sale
Point of Sale
The rainbow of pods surround the touch zone and encourage customers to move around the space. The point of sale features two heights for accessibility and uses a pergola and pendant lights to distinguish itself in the store. 
Touch Zone
Touch Zone
The touch zone features both seated and standing heights. Employees can lift the counter pieces to reveal basins within. These can be filled with water or wax for candle molding or dipping. 
Pod Close-up
Pod Close-up
Pod Section
Pod Section
Pod Measurements
Pod Measurements
Taking a closer look at the pods, each one has two shelves. The top has merchandise while the lower features tester products. The pods are made to comfortably fit multiple customers of ranging abilities within them. 
Night Interior
Night Interior
Night Street View
Night Street View
At night, the light from the pods is on full display.

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